Monday, June 10, 2013


Sanary-sur-Mer, or simply Sanary, is a peaceful resort located in the Mediterranean coastal region of southeastern France known as the Côte d’Azur. Thirty miles to west is the historic port of Marseille. Less than ten miles to the east is the ancient port of Toulon. In the shadow of these two great cities it has been easy for little Sanary to be overlooked. Some may see this as a blessing.Sanary is not a picture postcard. Though nice, postcards are two dimensional, flat and lifeless. Sanary, on the other hand, is vibrant without being hectic. The rich colors of the buildings compliment those of the boats gently bobbing in the harbor. The smell of flowers and gardens mixes with the warm sea breeze. Bright sunshine and the shade of swaying palms all combine to give Sanary a relaxed yet gently refined atmosphere. Life in Sanary moves at a comfortable pace. The people are calm and casual. This should not be mistaken for cold. This is a town filled with cafés and little restaurants which offer a rather amazing range of international cuisine. Stroll along the waterfront, explore the shops along the cobblestoned back streets, stretch out on the beach, or sip a cool drink in the shade, in Sanary you can take your time and enjoy your visit.Sanary had its beginnings in the 1300s. The foundation of today’s harbor dates to the 1500s. The town, though small, played a big role in the development of modern undersea exploration. Sanary and the surrounding region have now developed into a premier site for sailing, sports fishing and SCUBA diving expeditions. Though tourists have been coming to the French Riviera since the early 1800s, for the most part little Sanary has been bypassed for the glitz and glamour of more fashionable resorts. There are no high-rise hotels or casinos here. There are no mega-discos or crowded theme parks. This, in many ways, is a blessing and there is no need to disguise it. This is Sanary-sur-Mer, Sanary by the Sea.

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