Thursday, May 2, 2013

Your Gateway To Iceland

Back in the first century AD, legendary Viking Ingolfur Arnarson named the settlement he founded on a northerly Atlantic peninsula Reykjavik, meaning 'Smokey Bay'. The smoke he found wafting over the area, however, had nothing to do with pollution, but rather the bubbling, boiling natural geysers and geothermal springs that now underlie the modern capital of Iceland. This source of heat and water has ensured that Reykjavik has no need to burn fuels to warm its heart, and the crisp, clean air is as beguiling as its clear blue skies.
The sky is not always blue, however: the city receives more than its fair share of rainy weather blown in from the sea, and during the long, bleak winter its northern latitude ensures that the sun makes no more than a brief appearance.
Despite this, the capital of Iceland is definitely a hot spot, renowned for its lively pubs and clubs, which draw hundreds of merry-making visitors, particularly during the long, light, bright summer nights. Its growing reputation as a fun tourist destination is enhanced by its fiery, friendly inhabitants, relaxed pace of life, many cultural attractions and dozens of opportunities for fascinating day trips, not to mention the novelty of bathing in one of the steamy public geothermal swimming baths.
Reykjavik's setting on the southwest corner of Iceland on Faxaflói Bay is another draw card. All around are panoramic views of the majestic Mount Esja, which rises up behind the bay, and vistas across the Atlantic as far, on a sunny day, as the crystalline Snaefellsjokull glacier to the west.
The city has a small town atmosphere, its centre easily explored on foot, the quaint whitewashed wooden buildings and colourful houses interspersed with plenty of open space.
Even those who come to indulge mainly in the hedonistic nightlife cannot fail to leave Reykjavik feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.


Reykjavík Marathon
Reykjavik - Laekjargata, the centre of Reykjavik

This event goes hand-in-hand with the Reykjavik Cultural Night and although international attendance at the marathon is still small, the overall cultural experience is increasing in popularity every year. The marathon has a fantastic festive atmosphere with many spectators encouraging the athletes from the sidelines. It takes place in and around the beautiful town of Reykjavik and the runners get to enjoy the scenic location of the race. Apart from the marathon there is a half-marathon, a six-mile (10km) run, and a two-mile (3km) fun run.

Reykjavík Cultural Night
Reykjavik - Central Reykjavik

Throughout the night, the sun never sets on the city's cultural celebrations in the form of music, live performance and exhibitions. Shops and bars stay open later to cater for the thousands who attend. The Reykjavik Marathon is run in the morning and visitors from abroad are treated to a double dose of what Reykjavik has to offer.

Reykjavik Jazz Festival

The Reykjavik Jazz Festival is one of the most popular events for jazz enthusiasts, as the city itself appears to be so well suited to the bustling genre. Local and international acts infiltrate the city for five days bringing with them a variety of different jazz styles, from various eras.

New Year in Reykjavic
Reykjavik - Various venues around Reykjavic

Known to some as the 'party capital of the north', Reykjavik really lets loose on New Year's Eve. Icelandic fireworks laws are relaxed for a few days, meaning anyone can set off their own display and the skies are constantly lit up with bright-coloured light flowers, against a backdrop of the spectacular Northern Lights. Other than that, you may encounter friendly bonfires where stories are told, songs are sung, and drinks are shared.

Independence Day
Reykjavik - Throughout the country

Each year through most of the major towns and cities across Iceland, parades and musical celebrations take place to commemorate the date of Iceland attaining independence from Denmark in 1944. The day is a celebration of Icelandic culture exploring many of the myths and traditions associated with this fascinating land.

The Arctic Open
Reykjavik - Akureyri Golf Club

The Arctic Open Golf Championship is an international event which draws golfers - both amateur and professional - and spectators from various parts of the world. Apart from the magnificent natural scenery surrounding the Akureyri Golf Club, the chief attraction of the tournament is the prospect of teeing off at 10pm thanks to the near-perpetual sunlight of the Icelandic summer. First held in 1986, the Arctic Open celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2006 with a record field. The venue has the distinction of being the northernmost golf course in the world, as recognised by the Royal Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews golfer's Handbook.

Reykjavik - All around the city

Thorrablot, also known as the Mid-winter Feast, sees the capital of Reykjavic and her restaurants open up to crowds of thousands and a menu that was surely concocted by the Addams Family's Lurch or, possibly, the witches from Macbeth. If the vikings have been historically misconstrued as hairy savages who drank too much, this traditional feast might not help the bad rap, but it will provide a novel experience to anybody visiting Iceland. It includes Hákarl (putrefied shark), Hrútspungur (ram's scrotum with testicles) and Svið (jellied sheep's head). Over dinner, your host might share a riveting viking tale while you sample the foods that the empire once enjoyed. After the meal, take a swig or two of Brennivin (a very potent Icelandic Schnapps) and revel the night away with traditional dances, music and games.


Thingvellir National Park
The national park of Thingvellir, 30 miles (50km) east of Reykjavik, is not only Iceland's most important historic site, but also a place of natural and geological wonder. It was here that the world's first ever parliament, the Alting, first convened in AD930, and where Christianity was first introduced to Iceland. Even today people gather at Thingvellir to celebrate any major national event. Geologically this is the only site in the world where the American and European tectonic plates are visible; there is also the largest lake in Iceland, and stunning scenery including a lava gorge, the Oxararfoss waterfall, and the 'Money Chasm' filled with spring water where visitors drop coins into the water to witness the strange distorted reflections that result.


This landmark church, the tallest building in Iceland, dominates the city from its highest point and is visible on a sunny day from up to 10 miles (16km) away. Named after 17th century Icelandic poet, hymn composer and clergyman, Hallrimur Petursson, the church's unusual design represents volcanic basalt columns flanking its towering steeple. It took nearly 40 years to build the edifice, which was finally completed in 1986. In front of the church stands a statue of Leif Eriksson, donated to Iceland by the United States.


The weird landscape of the Haukadalur valley in Iceland's southern lowlands, where hot springs spout and mud pots bubble, has been dominated for centuries by the 'granddaddy' of all geysers, the Great Geysir, from which all other such phenomena around the world have gained their name. The Geysir, once shooting boiling water hundreds of feet into the air, has reduced its performance levels somewhat in modern times, but is nevertheless still an impressive sight when it occasionally erupts. The rest of the thermal area, bathed in a sulphuric smell, is just as fascinating, featuring several other spouting vents and geysers which frequently display their prowess. The Geysir area has become a great tourist attraction and a centre has been opened containing a multi-media geology museum and folklore exhibits. There is also a hotel, souvenir shop and restaurant on site.


Einar Jónsson Museum
Einar Jónsson was Iceland's foremost sculptor and he himself designed and established this museum, which contains over 300 of his works spanning his 60-year career. The museum building itself is deemed to be Jónsson's largest work, and served as his home, gallery and studio. The foundation stone was laid in 1916; it was Iceland's first art museum and retains pride of place on the highest point in Reykjavik. It is adjoined by a pristine treed sculpture garden, which sports 26 bronze casts of the artist's work. There is also a museum shop selling plaster casts of Jónsson's works, books and postcards.


Gullfoss Falls
Iceland's famed Gullfoss (Golden) Falls are justly rated among the most beautiful in the world and make for a popular day trip from Reykjavik. The falls, with their awesome double-cascade, are incredibly powerful which has meant they have come under threat of being utilised as a source of hydro-electricity. Currently, however, the fantastic vista of the falls, shrouded in mist and rainbows, gushing into a canyon on the Hvita River, are safely ensconced in a national park and remain one of the country's top tourist attractions.

National Museum
The recently refurbished National Museum of Iceland is the best place to become acquainted with the folklore, history and culture of this fascinating nation. The museum contains around 3,000 artefacts, including medieval settlers' tools, agricultural and nautical implements, ancient carvings and Viking relics.


Botanical Gardens
The lush, green Reykjavik Botanic Garden is a haven for strollers. It is planted with a large collection of Icelandic indigenous plants and other plant collections which give an idea of the enormous diversity of vegetation in the northern temperate zone. Besides walking trails and water features, the garden has a display greenhouse where a cozy café is open during the summer months. Located close to the garden is Reykjavik Zoo and Family Park.


Blue Lagoon
A favourite and unique attraction close to Reykjavik, about 30 miles (50km) south west of the city, is the man-made geothermal 'Blue Lagoon', set in a lava field, filled with mineral-rich hot water pumped from about a mile below the surface. The lagoon is flanked by a luxurious health spa where visitors come to be pampered and treated for skin ailments like eczema and psoriasis. The lagoon's surreal phosphorescent aquamarine colour is caused by the therapeutic ecosystem of algae, silica and minerals in the water.


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